Home Weather Crocodiles Inundate Mexican Cities After Heavy Rains

Crocodiles Inundate Mexican Cities After Heavy Rains


Heavy rains from Hurricane Beryl and Tropical Storm Alberto have led to an unusual and concerning situation in northern Mexico. Over 200 crocodiles have entered urban areas in the state of Tamaulipas, near Texas. This influx of reptiles into cities like Tampico, Ciudad Madero, and Altamira poses a significant risk to the local population.

Increased Sightings Due to Rising Water Levels

Authorities have captured and relocated around 200 crocodiles since the storms began in June. The heavy rains raised water levels in coastal lagoons, causing the crocodiles to leave their natural habitats and venture into urban areas. The head of Tamaulipas state environment department, Karina Lizeth Saldívar, highlighted that the recent rains have significantly increased water levels in lagoon systems, leading to a surge in crocodile sightings.

Relocation Efforts and Public Response

The federal Attorney General’s Office for Environmental Protection reported capturing an additional 40 crocodiles in June. These reptiles were relocated to safer habitats outside populated areas. Despite these efforts, authorities warn that the problem may persist. As floodwaters recede from streets and drainage canals, more crocodiles are likely to appear.

Social media played a crucial role in bringing attention to the issue, with videos of crocodiles in urban settings causing a public uproar. Authorities are now focusing on balancing the conservation of this protected species with ensuring public safety.

Challenges and Future Risks

The interconnected lagoon and drainage systems facilitate the crocodiles’ movement into cities. As these reptiles search for food or are displaced from their habitats, the risk to the population increases. Although crocodile attacks in Mexico are rare, the presence of these reptiles in urban areas raises safety concerns.

This incident is not isolated. Similar situations have occurred globally. For instance, a Chinese city launched an operation to find 70 crocodiles after floods, and Florida residents encountered alligators and snakes following Hurricane Ian.


The combination of powerful storms and rising water levels has led to an influx of crocodiles in northern Mexico’s urban areas. Authorities are working to capture and relocate these reptiles while addressing public safety concerns. As climate change continues to affect weather patterns, such incidents may become more common, necessitating improved strategies for managing wildlife in flood-prone regions.



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